Change your thoughts to change your reality

What you think about and tell yourself becomes your reality. If you are telling yourself daily that you are not good enough, you are fat, ugly etc. then you will only want to hear that from people. You will only look for evidence for that. It’s actually funny how it works. If you instead start telling yourself that you are good enough, you are awesome, funny etc. then you will see evidence for that. Paranoia is being fearful of very unlikely things, on the other hand pronoia is the phenomena that universe is conspiring to help you with everything you want to do. So become the master of your thoughts. At start you might not be able to control which kind of thoughts you get but you can choose to not give them any power and eventually they will stop appearing. Treat your thoughts like you would treat a garden. Take off the weeds and let the most beautiful flowers bloom. Your inner world is your outer world. If you change the way you see things, the things you see change. Your reality is where you look at. So look at all the positive aspects of life. You most likely have a roof over your head, food to eat everyday, running water and other privileges. Be thankful. Some people don’t have any of those things and for them it’s not certain whether they will see tomorrow or not. You are so lucky if you think about it. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Worrying is useless, it serves no purpose. It doesn’t serve you. When you worry, you get anxious and things become harder to accomplish. You procrastinate. You don’t even try. And if you never try, you can’t win. Master has failed more times than a student has even tried. So become mindful of your thoughts. Realise that they are just thoughts. They are probably what you got told to you when you were a child and now it has became your reality. Start to delete those programs from your head and replace them with new ones.

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Hello. Been a while. I’ve not written anything in this blog for a while and I’m sorry. In actuality I’m not sorry. I’ve not had the best mood lately and I haven’t really felt productive and I’m not claiming the fact that I’m currently in the army is the sole reason for it but it definitely has an at least slightly negative effect on me. I would be lying if I said I’m not depressed after coming from the exchange back to regular life, although it’s up to me to make my life more interesting and seek for new adventures. I never thought I’d abandon writing completely because I see so many benefits in it but sometimes the time just isn’t right (or left in my case because I’m left handed, right?). I’m getting a little sidetracked and I should go to the topic which is narcissism which is something I’ve had to deal almost for my whole life in some way or another. I’ll get to what I mean by this a little bit later.

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New meditation and writing challenge

It’s time again. What is time anyway. Manmade concept, illusion. Listening to Imagine Dragon’s – It’s Time right now, how fitting. I’ve been having a break from regular meditation and writing but I feel like now I need to pick them up again. Meditation was what started it all for me. Before I started to meditate about 9 months ago, I was doubting myself, I was not eating well, I wasn’t exercising enough, I was more shy, I had never asked a girl out, I wasn’t living. I probably wouldn’t be in exchange right now if I didn’t start to meditate last summer. It truely changed my life. And now I’ll stop coming up with excuses for not doing it regularly. If I don’t set myself a challenge to do it, I just find myself forgetting to do it or just saying that I’ll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow doesn’t exist, there’s just the present moment. If you want to get something done, do it now. Stop waiting, Buddha said you only think you have time. Listening to a playlist named Motivation that I made for myself and every song in it is uplifting and motivating. Clock is almost 4pm and I’m yet to get out of my bed today but I don’t even care. It’s fine. Yesterday I met one of the greatest guys I’ve met in my life. Every word he said was the pure truth. Me and him were thinking exactly the same way about things. We talked about things that are not discussed regularly because they are so controversial. Things like the moon landing, 9/11, the state of world economy and how evil it is, legalizing weed, problems of alcohol, harder drugs, about auras, love, hate, fake people, the fact that there shouldn’t be borders in the world. Also about meditation, tattoos, elements (he taught me thumb stands for fire, index finger for wind, middle finger for holy spirit, ring finger for earth and pinkie for water and it all makes so much sense). I had a great night talking and spending time with him. He was swearing to me that he knew me from before, that he knew a guy just like me. I felt the same, one of my childhood friends was and is still just like him. Some people you just feel that you have met before with even though you just met them.

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